IngeniBridge brings automatic Smart Requesting

The requesting Axis

The whole data model is consumed by IngeniBridge to produce functional requesting axis. This data process transforms a structured and hierarchical view into a flattened view. The whole set of axis can be requested following this link.

Please note that all types of requesting will be made using this set of functional axis.

Requesting against the contents

The contents can be requested such as retrieving the datas of type electricity. In that case, the functional axis to be used is MyCompanyData.TypeOfMeasure.Code which corresponds to the data model that was defined. The value to be searched for is ELEC which is defined into a nomenclature.

So the request is MyCompanyData.TypeOfMeasure.Code=ELEC. The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Please note that each element returned is coming with the full parents hierarchy.

Requesting against the model, exact type

The model contains different types of equipments as defined here. For example GroupOfPumps. So it is possible to request the elements of exact type GroupOfPumps.

So the request is ENTITY_TARGET_TYPE=GroupOfPumps. The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.



Requesting against the model, super type

The model contains several types of IOTs as defined here. The type IOT itself is not instanciable as it is marked as abstract.

But the super IOT type can be used for requesting as ENTITY_TARGET_TYPE=IOT to request all types of IOTs. The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Of course, if the exact type is used for requesting such as ENTITY_TARGET_TYPE=PressureSensor, the results will be different than the previous request. The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Mixing both Contents and Model

It is possible to mix the dimensions with both contents and model.

For example, searching electricity measures sampled upon groups of pumps, the request is this:

  • MyCompanyData.TypeOfMeasure.Code=ELEC

The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Another example is searching the electricity measures inside a functional sector, the request is like this:

  • MyCompanyData.TypeOfMeasure.Code=ELEC
  • ProductionSite.Sector.Code=W

The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Adding more Dimensions

So mechanically, dimensions can be stacked up in the request like this:

  • MyCompanyData.TypeOfMeasure.Code=ELEC
  • ProductionSite.Sector.Code=W

The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Requesting on the Times Series identifier

When an alert value is acquired into the TSDB base, it is possible to retrieve its functional contextualization. The request is :

  • TimedData.TimeSeriesExternalReference=EXTREF 003.

The request can be tested on the IngeniBridge server.

Scripting with JSON

It is possible to script and consume the results using plain JSON. An example is given here.

Scripting with the IngeniBridge serializer

Working with the serializer is more comfortable but it is mandatory to use .Net Core platform. An example is given here.

Please note that using the serializer is base upon the IngeniBridge Core library which is publicly published on Nuget.

Scripting with dynamic functional introspection

It is possible to introspect the IngeniBridge database tree at runtime to discover functional contextualization.

In this example, the influence zone is looked for upon a Time Series measure. This example discovers the first parent with influence zone.

This example shows the strong functional capabilities at the service of your industry digitization, in that case it will permit to correlate two events upon the same influence zone and that means specific processing to be initiated.

The example is given here.