Your Information System Transformation is Smooth and constantly kept under control

Multi Database Instances in DEV environment

IngeniBridge is able to mount and/or index several versions of the same database.

It is also possible to "park" unused databases, so they can be recalled later if needed.

Please look at this live feature on the IngeniBridge server.

Database Comparison

When a new version of the functional contextualization database is mounted in DEV environment, it is important to check all the differences with previous version.

This way, the impacts are identified as soon as possible.

A Excel report is produced live. It is possible to filter on the type of modifications (add, delete or modify).

Please look at this live feature on the IngeniBridge server (on top).

This feature is interesting to the business representative in the IT department.

Per project comparison

The transformation is iterative towards the target. That is why the IT applications must follow this path by adopting the new structuration and contents brought by the new functional contextualization database.

That is why, the IT project managers must identify the impacts of upgrading.

IngeniBridge collects all requests originating from all invoking applications and also proposes an comparison based per request.

Please look at this live feature on the IngeniBridge server (middle).